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Moon Sister Circle - The Restorer of Harmony & Balance

So., 20. Sept.



Let’s come together in loving sisterhood to be nurtured in each others presence and to connect to all the different aspects within us that make us WOMEN.

Moon Sister Circle - The Restorer of Harmony & Balance
Moon Sister Circle - The Restorer of Harmony & Balance

Zeit & Ort

20. Sept. 2020, 19:00 – 21:30

ATMAN Popup, Dienerstrasse 14, 8004 Zürich, Schweiz


Über die Veranstaltung

//// Let’s come together in loving sisterhood to be nurtured in each others presence, to be seen, to be heard, to share, to listen, to move, to sing, to dance, to meditate and dream our dreams together. And to connect to all the different aspects within us that make us a WOMAN. ////

Every month we open the space to get in touch with one or two particular aspects of our femininity. Through different practices you will gain a deeper understanding and love for yourself as an incredibly nuanced being and learn how to use the magic of all of these aspects that reside within you.

This month we want to work with the archetype of 


When  our bodies and energies are in balance, we connect with yourselves and  with the outer world in such an expanded, nourishing and uplifting way.

We will have a special guest, Elissa, to guide us through a beautiful chakra balancing yoga flow!

>>++ L O O K F O R W A R D T O ++<<

:: Sharing Circles 

:: Chakra Activation Yoga Flow 

:: Sounding & Vibrations Singing  

:: Breathwork 

:: Guided Chakra Meditations  

:: Connecting with other Women

>>++ B R I N G ++<<

:: Comfy Clothes 

:: Water bottle 

:: Journal & Pen

>>++ E X C H A N G E ++<<

 Fr. 40.- (cash or twint)

>>++ S I G N U P ++<<

 Please send us an email to reserve your spot at:

Please let us know if your plans change asap, so maybe another sister can have your spot!!

Rossana & Elissa

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